
Yuye Zhang

Our body is the not only most intimate partner but also the part we could easily forget in our daily life. My work is aiming to arouse the awareness of our body back again through series of projects. By extracting and mimicking body structures that are not usually visible such as bones, cells, and nerve systems via digital modeling, a modular system was created illustrating the stories inside our body. Throughout the experience of conditions such as disability, injury, and disease, how we sense the world has been changed, which evokes the understanding of how the body assisting and limiting our behavior. Handling the unites, assembling and dissembling, offers an opportunity for every participant to play and feel with the body structure and opens the infinite possibilities beyond physical limitations. While the pieces have been assembled as jewelry, the playfulness would be transfer into preciousness, like how we treat our body. While assembling, touching, and wearing those pieces, the awareness of how bodies and jewelry are related to each other can be brought in front of the curtain as well.


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Yuye Zhang


Yuye Zhang is a graduate student from Temple University Tyler School of Art and Architecture. Her work includes her observation and thought of the life around her. Her recent work present her interoperation about body, disease and disability. 3D printing is her best friend to accomplish her creation in terms of finding appropriate material, mass producing complicated forms and achieve the special mechanism.