Everything Must Go
The Tyler School of Art and Architecture presents EVERYTHING MUST GO, an exhibition featuring selected works from 2020 and 2021 MFA graduates at Atelier Art Gallery.
The featured artists work across disciplines ranging from painting and sculpture to video and printmaking; exploring diverse aesthetics and conceptual perspectives. Though many of the artists have since moved away from Philadelphia upon graduating, this final gathering reveals how artists create and maintain communities across distance. EVERYTHING MUST GO speaks to collective urgency- of closures and potential beginnings during uncertain times.
Installation Entrance. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Katie Garth installation. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Rachel Hsu, Fetch the Moon from the Seabed (海底撈月)(to wish, to miss, to think, to believe); Fetch the Moon from the Seabed (海底撈月) (empty, air, sky). Inkjet print (2 of 30), 30x24” each, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Mia Culbertson, Insectology. Acrylic on wood panel, 10x10" each, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
(L) Alexandria Nazar, Lechón. (R) Chris Riddle, Untitled. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Kathryn Mecca, Neck. Oil on canvas, 25x27”, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Hay Hartmann, Gateway Frame. 11x8.5” each, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Sarah Montagnoli and Max Adrian installation. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Brian McNamara and Issac Scott installation. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Nicolo Gentile, Schott Bros. Paraffin wax, leather dye, cotton wick, 4x36x24”, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Nicolo Gentile installation. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Quinton Maldonado, Ana Mosquera Duran, Charlotte G. Chin Greene, and James Betts installation. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Quinton Maldonado, screen as a mirror. Digital video, 6 min. 50 sec., 2020. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
(Top) James Betts, Study in Phenomenon #4. Sterling silver, polylactic acid, titanium, 5x3x.5” 2020. (Bottom) James Betts, Study in Phenomenon #5, Polylactic acid, gold leaf, dye, steel, 4x4x1”, 2020. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Austen Camille, Ossie Jon-Nwakalo, and Hazzia Q. Abdullah installation. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Nick Carter, Cuckoo. Dyed cotton bedsheet, thread, pins, 108x82x10”, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Victoria Ravelo, Poceta de Memoria (Well of Memory). Photocopy, wheat paste, reclaimed wood, 14x11”, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Marilla Cubberley, Soft and Flexible with Multipurpose Holes. Dyed muslin, dyed wool yarn, stuffing, wire, 90x31x3”, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Cooper O'Brien, Gradient. Glass, copper, wood, 12x36x8”, 2021. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Layla Marcelle, Chapter 2: A Wet Bio Coder. Single channel video, 8 min. 28 sec., 2020. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Madeleine Conover, Lucky Knot (Intertwined II). Intaglio etching on mulberry paper, 9.5x9.5”, 2019-21. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.
Juliana Wisdom, Untitled (Braid). Earthenware, 7x10x7”, 2019. Photo credit: Bridget K. Rogers.