The Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts

Student Teacher: Kerry Kovacs
Cooperating Teacher: Maria Stevens

Lesson Plan #1: Freshmen Textured Coil Pots

The Freshmen at CAPA just finished their textured coil pot project! The objective was to learn how to build a pot using the coiling technique and finish the pot using additives and incising to make texture. The coiling technique, where you make clay into rings and blend them into each other, is a super important skill in the world of pottery and has been around for centuries. The freshmen did a great job with this new technique. As for the texture, students used inspiration from sea life, the moon, religious holidays, cells, and even weaving pot holders to make a cohesive composition of texture.


Lesson Plan #2: Animal Effigy Progress Pictures

An Animal Effigy is typically a functional pot that looks like a certain animal, used by Native American and other cultures for collecting water and even used in different ceremonies. The sophomore students at CAPA are making their own Animal Effigy inspired pot. The students merged a few of their favorite animals together to make an animal-hybrid functional piece. Although the students are not yet done, their work is coming out great.


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Kerry Kovacs
TYL ‘21, Art Education

My name is Kerry Kovacs and I am an Art Education major at Temple University, Tyler School of Art. As an artist, I love working with all media but I especially love clay and fibers. I find myself very inspired by nature as well as the human form. As a teacher, I will work to foster a safe, creative, and inclusive environment for all of my students. It is important for everyone to feel safe enough to be creative and open. I hope to teach values of creativity and respect that transcend the classroom and are applicable to everyday lives of my students.

Kerry Kovacs’ visual note

Kerry Kovacs’ visual note